Garage door in my condo hit my car- Who pay?

如果order家具或者搬家,delivery 公司的卡车或者是搬家公司的卡车撞坏了车库门, 管理公司索赔价格通常会超过10,000CAD。 一笔不小的开支。 如果自己开车或者自己的visitor 开车进出车库,在车库门没有完全开启的情况下撞坏了车库门,这里不但涉及到车库门的损坏赔偿。还得看车的损坏程度大小。 Ontario drivers have responsibilities when operating a vehicle.  In Ontario drivers are required to have vehicle insurance and are

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New pre-construction projects-Feb 2022

Rossmont Green 2 (Feb 15th) The price list and floor plan ⭐️⭐️⭐️✅Express 2 (Feb 21th) ⭐️⭐️✅Garden series (Feb 22) ⭐️⭐️⭐️✅Voya 2(Feb 23) ⭐️⭐️⭐️✅Alias (Feb 24)

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