
以下是Jan 1st 2023 的旧条款

The Parliament of Canada passed legislation – the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act on June 23, 2022. This act will become law on January 1, 2023.

禁止非加拿大人购买住宅类物业2年的法案在June 23 ,2022 通过。 该法案将在2023年1月正式实施。 法案的具体实施细节还在敲定。 同时,如果也禁止外国人通过公司或者其他实体的方式在加拿大买房。 任何加拿大人或者公司,如果被查到协助外国人在加拿大买房,将被控诉,同时罚款最高1万元。 不过,好消息是 , 对于永久居民, 外籍工人和留学生,还保留购房资格。 (具体细节还等政府最后公布)

The Act:

  • restricts non-Canadians from avoiding the prohibition by using corporations or other entities to purchase residential property
  • allows the Government to clarify the scope and application of the prohibition, including by defining what is meant by “control,” and further elaborating what constitutes a “purchase”
  • establishes penalties for non-compliance applicable to non-Canadians and any person or entity knowingly assisting a non-Canadian in contravening the Act(CMHC)

法案的链接点击 – Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act

Those foreign investors, though, do not include foreign nationals who are studying at Canadian colleges and universities or those from other countries who have already obtained their permanent residency.

  • 这三类人可能可以保留买房资格
  • The Government is proposing to provide or to clarify existing legislative exceptions in the regulations for the following groups of people:
    • Indigenous peoples;
    • International students on the path to permanent residency;
    • Individuals with work permits residing in Canada;
    • Individuals fleeing international crises and other vulnerable populations; and
    • Accredited members of foreign missions in Canada.(CMHC)
  1. 提交了5年所得税申请表的移民
  2. 前5年每年在加拿大居住至少超过275 天的外国人
  3. 持有工作许可的外国技术工人, 外国留学生,外交官以及难民


1. 住房的定义:仅限于有独立厨房设施,独立卫浴设施,用于私人的居住住房 (local d’habitation)。新政并不禁止海外买家购买除住宅类物业外其他类别房产:比如商业、农地、工业等非住房类不动产。



2. 海外买家、外国人定义:a.非加拿大公民或原住民,也没有加拿大枫叶卡的人士。b.非加拿大联邦或各省注册的公司法人。c.在海外上市的加拿大联邦或省立公司属于被外国人控制的加拿大公司,不被认为是加拿大的法人。

What types of residential property are exempt from the prohibition on the purchase of residential property by non-Canadians?

  • The prohibition applies to residential property, which includes detached houses or similar buildings of one to three dwelling units, as well as parts of buildings such as semi-detached houses, condominium units, or other similar premises.
  • The Government intends to exclude recreational properties from the prohibition. As such, the Government is proposing to provide an exception in the regulations for any residential property located outside of a Census Metropolitan Area or Census Agglomeration.
  • The Government is proposing to apply the prohibition to vacant land, only where the land has been zoned for residential use or mixed use by municipal authorities and is within a Census Metropolitan Area or Census Agglomeration.(CMHC)

免责声明: 以上内容仅作参考。 具体个案请咨询律师再做决定


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