Garage door in my condo hit my car- Who pay?

  1. 如果order家具或者搬家,delivery 公司的卡车或者是搬家公司的卡车撞坏了车库门, 管理公司索赔价格通常会超过10,000CAD。 一笔不小的开支。
  2. 如果自己开车或者自己的visitor 开车进出车库,在车库门没有完全开启的情况下撞坏了车库门,这里不但涉及到车库门的损坏赔偿。还得看车的损坏程度大小。

Ontario drivers have responsibilities when operating a vehicle.  In Ontario drivers are required to have vehicle insurance and are responsible to report accidents to the Police or at a Collision Reporting Centre when the damage is over $1000.  Collisions on private property such as the condominium are no different.  The police need to be notified if there are injures or damages in excess of $1000 or damages to private property, such as the garage door.   It’s not uncommon for vehicle owners to try and avoid calling their insurance companies, as there may be a deductible cost or a rate increase.

通常在低于1000CAD的损失赔偿情况下, 有的时候车主会选择不由保险公司赔付,自己先垫付

但如果损失超过1000CAD, 通常车主会选择报保险公司。保险公司通常会判断这个损失是否由保险赔付。如果由保险赔付,那么保险公司的律师团队会和管理处进行交涉。

Contact your car insurance. They have lawyers who will probably try to get the condo association to pay。


  1. document the event with an incident report and to obtain any other items which may help identify if the door failed or if it was driver error. 
  2. You can gather pictures, video tapes, garage/fob transmitter reports, security guard reports, and so on. 
  3. It is also recommended at the time of the accident or when reported that the door be inspected by the door contractor, and a report be prepared. 


Toronto News – Dec 2021

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