Milliken Mills East, Markham

Milliken Mills East, Markham

历史售价 独立屋 vs 非独立屋(无管理费)

小区物业出租价格 独立屋 vs 非独立屋(无管理费)

note: One sold data is noted as a multi-residence and grouped into a non-detached category by TREB


Milliken Mills H.S.

  • Address:   7522 Kennedy Rd., Markham, ON, L3R 9S5
  • Language:   English
  • Public/Private:   Public
  • Grades:   9 – 12
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 905-477-0072
 Fraser Ranking72/739
 Parent’s Average Income$54,900
 Special Needs Percentage16.7%
 Ratio of EQAO Tests below Standard18.4%
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