AirBnB policies – GTA

AirBnB policies – GTA

Toronto— 多伦多短租

Short-term Rental Policy in Toronto

自 2020 年 9 月 10 日起,多伦多市通过了最新短租牌照注册规定,短租房东必须遵守该规定。首先,短期租赁被重新定义为出租时间/天数少于28天的住宅物业。所有短期租赁经营者都必须在多伦多市政府申请牌照,并为所有出租物业缴纳 4% 的市政住宿税 (MAT)。要注册短租牌照,政府要求房东必须证明该物业是他们的主要住所。

  1. “您只能短租您的主要住所。
    1. 主要住所是您居住的住所以及您用于支付账单、身份证明、税收和保险的地址。
    2. 您只能拥有一个主要住所,也就是说您不能合法经营超过一个短租物业。
  2. 任何住房类型的房主或租户,例如房屋、公寓或共管公寓等,都有资格短租。
    1. 您应确保您的公寓管理处或您的房东允许短租。
  3. 如果您是出租独立卧室且主要住所中出租的独立卧室数量小于等于三,则每年短租天数不限。如果是出租整个房源,则此房源每年最多短租 180 晚。
  4. 您的房源必须位于居民区内。
    1. 如果您已经是商业民宿 (B&B) 经营者,您可以在使用已经颁发给您的“旅游住宅”牌照继续经营。
  5. 您可以在secondary suite或laneway suite中进行短期出租,只要该套房是您的主要住所。
    1. Secondary suite是一个独立的独立起居设施,提供食物准备和卫生设施供居住者专用。它位于较大的房屋内(例如,地下室公寓)。
    2. Laneway suite是一个独立的住宅单元,与较大的房屋位于同一地段,通常位于后院。Laneway suite必须紧邻公共巷道。
    3. 如果您居住在房屋的主要部分,则不得单独短期出租laneway suite或secondary suite。”
    4. 如果您的房源已经上了保险,您应该了解经营短租对保险的营销。您不妨向您的保险公司咨询您的保险产品是否支持短期租赁。
    5. 如果您与其他人住在同一个家中(例如,作为两个租户),那么您们每个人都可以这个住宅注册为您的短期租赁,只要该家是您的主要住所。
    6. 如果您的整个房屋每年出租超过 180 晚,那么您家中的每个租户都可能被认为违反了短租规定。”

2022 年3月10日的报道,多伦多市许可与标准部门(MLS)负责人表示,该市已经加强了短期租赁许可规定,规定要求房主不能直接把次卧进行短租,只有住在主卧的长租人,才有权把其他房间短租出去,也就是说只有二房东有找短租室友的决定权。根据章程,如果是带有厨房和浴室的独立单元,房主不能将地下室和次卧短期出租出去,只有房间的租客,也就是该房子目前的居住人,才能把房子短租出去。2021年有 105 项与短期租赁条例有关的诉讼。其中14起是因为没有执照就经营短期租赁的公司或房东。目前, Airbnb 和 是多伦多唯二的两个持牌短期租赁平台。

  • Short-term rental operators must register with the City in order to operate in Toronto.
  • It is required to collect and remit a four per cent (4%) Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) on all rentals.
  • Hosts will also need to provide the name and telephone number of an emergency contact person who will be available 24 hours a day during rental periods. The city of Toronto will also require that hosts keep all records of short-term rental activity which will need to be provided to the city upon request.
  • Under the new rules, Torontonians will only be able to host short-term rentals in their principal or primary residence, with homeowners and tenants both able to participate.
  • Hosts will also need to ensure that their property is located in a residential zone, or the residential component of mixed-use zones.
  • Hosts renting their entire home while they are away will only be able to rent their entire home for a maximum of 180 nights per year. While there is no limit of nights for renting private rooms, a host can only rent up to three bedrooms if they are renting multiple rooms in their residence.


2021年1月19日起,根据密市的《短期住宿附例》(Short-Term Accommodation By-law),所有提供短期住宿的营运者,必须领有牌照,方可合法经营。相关牌照适用于任何人士,将全部或部分住所出租,租住期为连续30日或更短时间。

出示租赁物业为主要居所的证明;如果申请者是租客,必须先征得业主同意,若物业为共管柏文单位,也要得到共管柏文业主委员会(condo board)的准许。

The new Short-Term Accommodation By-law went into effect on January 19, 2021. According to this by-law, anyone operating a short-term accommodation in Mississauga will need to get a business licence.

If you are renting out all or part of your home for 30 consecutive days or less, you must apply for a business licence.

— Principal residence

You can only operate a short-term accommodation from your principal residence (the location where you live for the majority of the year). This must be the address that you use for bills, taxes and insurance.

You can host a short-term rental in a second unit as long as the unit is your principal residence.

Licence requirements
To apply for a short-term accommodation licence, you will need to provide:

Proof you’re at least 18 years old, such as a birth certificate, valid driver’s licence or valid passport
A criminal record check issued in the last 60 days from police services in the area you reside. Third party searches are not acceptable.
Proof of general liability insurance for the operation of the short-term rental accommodation, with a minimum $2 million coverage per rental. This could be a letter from your insurance company or a copy of your insurance policy. It’s the sole responsibility of the operator to ensure they understand the implications of operating a short-term rental. Contact your insurance provider to make sure you have adequate coverage.
Evidence that the rental is in your principal residence. This could be a recent utility bill or tax form issued in the last 12 months.
Contact information for the primary person responsible for the short-term accommodation
Permission from the homeowner (if you’re a tenant)
Permission from the condo board (if the property is a condo unit)


Here are some points of the new rules:

出示租赁物业为主要居所的证明;如果申请者是租客,必须先征得业主同意,若物业为共管柏文单位,也要得到共管柏文业主委员会(condo board)的准许。

Short-term accommodations are permitted in most housing types
A short-term accommodation host must be the principal resident
A short-term accommodation operator must obtain a town business licence
Companies such as Airbnb must also be licensed with the town
New regulations permit three units within a bed and breakfast


The homeowner’s or tenant/lessee’s principal residence – provided that a licence is obtained. Short-term rentals are generally understood to be when individuals rent out their residence, or part of their residence, for short periods of time (not more than 29 consecutive nights) for a fee.

不过有些房子没有 AirBnB 的经营执照也经营AirBnB的生意。 会出现一些意外的问题。 其中最主要的问题是消防隐患(下面的惨痛教训是最近刚刚发生 – March 2023)。

Canadian homeowners who frequently rent properties on Airbnb could face 13% tax when selling it. Here’s what you need to know

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