

  • 你必须持有有效的 Study Permit, 如果是undergraduate学生, 需要 co-op。 或者是post graduate 学生。或者是study permit 上面有工作许可。 (见下)

A study permit containing one of the following authorization-to-work conditions:

  • May accept employment on the campus of the institution where they are registered full-time (for on-campus only)
  • May work 20 hrs. per week off-campus, or full-time during regular breaks, if meeting criteria outlined in section 186(v) of IRPR
  • May accept employment on or off-campus if meeting eligibility criteria as per R186(f), (v) or (w). Must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria

如果study permit上面没有以上的注明

If your study permit does not state you can work

If you’re eligible to work in Canada as a student, but you do not have one of the conditions on your study permit listed above, you’ll need to either “amend” or “change the conditions” of your study permit depending on your situation:

如果study permit上有以下的字眼说明,那么要申请SIN就需要提交更改。

You must apply online to change the conditions of your study permit and pay a fee if:

  • Your study permit has “This permit does not permit the holder to engage in off-campus employment in Canada,”, printed on it
  • You have changed your program of study (completed ESL programs such as Green Path, Fair, and AEP and started the degree program), and now you are eligible to work on and off-campus

Changing the conditions is the same as extending study permit application with similar processing times.

You must apply on paper for request to amend your study permit free of charge if:

  • The authorization-to-work conditions are not printed on your study permit and
  • You are eligible to work on or off-campus and you have to mail your completed application to the Operations Support Centre (OSC) in Ottawa. Please check the Processing time for Amendment of Valid Temporary Resident Documents
  • Please note if your study permit will be expiring soon, when you apply to extend it, the extended study permit automatically will have the authorization-to-work conditions. You don’t need to apply separately to change the conditions of your study permit.

You can apply for a SIN after you’ve received your new study permit with conditions allowing you to work. 



  1. 学习许可(一般来说,Study Permit上面注有“may accept employment”或“may work”的工作条件说明;如果你的Study Permit上没有“may accept employment”或“may work”的注释,你则需要向Citizenship and Immigration Canada,简称CIC, 递交一份Request to Amend 。申请成功后,CIC会在你Study Permit加上关于工作的注释)
  2. 护照(Passport)原件;
  3. 在读证明(Proof of Enrolment Letter):可以前往学校的Administration办公室说,你想要申请SIN卡。他们就知道给你开什么文件了。这份在读证明会有:学校官方抬头,联络信息,你的全名,生日,全职学生证明,你在读的program和学校的DLI编号)
  4. 或者是水电账单,银行带地址的账单

Proof of address
You must provide a document that confirms the address indicated in the online SIN application. A response to your request will be mailed to this address. It must:
be issued by one of the following: a government, a company, an institution, an organisation, a landlord or an employer and be:a document, or
an attestation letter signed by the issuer
contain the name (surname and given name) that appears on your primary, secondary or supporting document

网申SIN 的地址 https://sin-nas.canada.ca/en/Sin/。 邮件或者预约也行。 不过会更麻烦些。

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